Contact Us
For more information about Changing Footprints or to schedule a speaker, please submit our form or contact us at
Rushville Warehouse
310 N. Julian St.
Rushville, IN 46173
Contact: Ruth Houk Koelmel 765-969-6757
Open the 1st & 3rd Saturday and the 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month from 10 am - 12 noon.
North Indianapolis Shoe Room
10291 N. Meridian St. (basement)
Indianapolis, IN 46290
Contact: Bob Broughton 317-727-4186
Open only by appointment. We distribute shoes through groups, organizations, agencies, and non-profits, not directly to individuals.
South Indianapolis Shoe Room
5602 Elmwood Ave., Suite 113
Indianapolis, In 46203
Contact: Scott Splichal 317-319-9345
Open only by appointment.
Hancock County Shoe Room
1001 W Main St
Greenfield, IN 46140
Contact: Steve Jeffries 317-374-5608
Contact: Deb Cherry 317-753-3335
Tuesday and Thursday from 2 - 6 pm or by appointment.
Northern Indiana
10929 Dawkins Rd.
New Haven, IN 46774
Contact: Cheryl Brockman 260-341-0167
Contact: Karen Kuehnert 260-312-0280
Open only by appointment.